»Ê¼Ò»ªÈË has been certified to the ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Standard. The SMC environmental management system (EMS) is supported at all levels of SMC management and its objective is to ensure that all activities, products and services will meet or exceed all ISO 14001:2015 requirements.
Environmental Policy
»Ê¼Ò»ªÈË is committed to our employees, our communities, and our customers in reducing, reusing and recycling natural resources around the global environment. Accordingly SMC strives to adhere to the following:
- Commitment to continuous improvement in environmental performance including prevention of pollution.
- Monitor and comply with relevant governmental, local legislative and other regulatory environmental requirements.
- Provide environmental education to all our employees, and make every effort to spread thorough environmental awareness throughout the company.
- Establish and review environmental objectives and targets set by »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË with consideration of SMC global objectives and targets.
Please direct RoHS/REACH questions to green@smcusa.com.
To request an RoHS/REACH certificate, please visit .
Please direct Conflict Minerals questions to conflictminerals@smcusa.com.
Please direct Proposition 65 questions to environmentalquestions@smcusa.com.
Please direct other questions or concerns to environmentalquestions@smcusa.com.